
The Better Part: Stages of Contemplative Living is unavailable, but you can change that!

The talks on which this book was based were given at the John Main Seminar in 1998, the annual international event of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Previous presenters have included the Dalai Lama, Jean Vanier, Bede Griffiths, and William Johnston. Father Keating’s enlightening commentary on the contemplative meaning of the gospel, particularly the story of the siblings from...

is doing this. She is in the first stage of the spiritual journey—the Purgative Way. The Purgative Way consists in becoming aware of how our unconscious needs affect ordinary daily life including our service of God. It is unsettling for us to realize that, mixed in with our good intentions, are these infantile attitudes. They are necessary in early childhood in order to survive, but totally inappropriate now that we have grown up. Martha is preparing a great dinner for Jesus. She resents his detached
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